Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3 months

Hey Baby Girl,

I can't believe another month has passed since you left us.  I'm sorry I haven't written more often, but holidays were crazy especially with Aunt Johnna being in the hospital most of December.  But I think about you still every day, it just hurts a bit less, and for that I'm grateful.  We're going to be doing your memorial service and burial on January 28th if all goes well.  And hopefully Daddy and I will be able to get away for the weekend that we would have been bringing you home to be with us.  So many of mommy's friends are having babies and I'm so glad for them.  I just wish you would have been around to know them and grow up with them.

I hope you had fun up there celebrating Jesus' birthday with Him.  We were celebrating down here too, and missing you very much.  I can't wait for us all to be together again.  O Glorious Day.

Love you to the moon....


Sunday, November 28, 2010

2 Months

Hi there Nadia mine,

Yesterday was 2 months since we said goodbye to you.  It was also the thanksgiving celebration for our family.  I got to hold and play with your cousin Olivia.  I think you and she would have been great friends.  She has such amazing personality.  But I teared up every time I got to hold her.  It was bittersweet, to say the least.

I should have been 29 weeks pregnant this week.  I should be starting to feel huge and complaining about my back and my feet.  I should be working on putting your nursery together and filling out paperwork to take maternity leave and anticipating the time after Christmas rather than thinking this is going to be the longest winter ever. 


I love you, baby girl.  To the moon and back,


Saturday, November 13, 2010

I don't really have a lot of faith in Doctors

I know you already know this, but you were definately a girl.  We got the records from the hospital and the autopsy (which was done by 10:00 am on the morning of the 27th!!) clearly showed you had a normal uterus, et. al.  It's nice to know that had you been born you wouldn't have had all these reproductive issues that mommy has.  And to know for sure that you are my Nadia is a relief.  I can't believe no doctor mentioned this to me, espeically so I could have completed the death certificate before we left the hospital.  It's frustrating...

Monday, November 8, 2010


I've been doing National Blog Posting Month at my regular, every day blog.  If you happen upon here and get confused about something because I'm only referencing a certain part of my life here, head over there... http://pagesofunknown.wordpress.com/

Sunday, October 31, 2010

On things that help and things that don't

When I started this blog it helped me so much reading the stories of women who had lost a baby and been in my shoes.  But now, as I read the blogs of women who are still struggling with the loss, I find myself somewhat angry.  They bring up the holidays and how hard that will be not being pregnant or not having their baby or they bring up what they are or aren't doing in order to deal with the grief.  And I get angry that I'm going into the holidays not pregnant and scared out of my mind that after loosing Nadia, I'm going to loose Johnna, too.  I would never, EVER say that a woman who's gone through the agony of a baby loss has any type of perfect life, but I can't help but be jealous of the fact that they can dwell on their loss or can grieve because they aren't going through something as equally or more traumatic within weeks of their loss... life doesn't slow down for anyone, but this stacking of crap upon crap?  It's pissing me off...

One Month

Nadia, baby mine...

I'm so sorry I missed talking to your on your one month angelversary... mommy's been so busy this week.  With trying to get back into the work mode, all the issues with your aunt Johnna and the minor-but-important issues with your uncle Dan this week has been one major thing after another.  But I hope you know that doesn't mean that I didn't think about you almost every other thought on Wednesday... like I do most days anyway.

I love you so much and miss you every day.

To the moon and back again,


Monday, October 25, 2010

It's been 4 weeks

Hey there Little One,

We found out today that they couldn't do the chromosonal testing because they couldn't grow out the chromosones.  They didn't get to you in time to get them.  So we're going with the visable signs that you were a girl... I think your big brother/sister will forever remain Angel Baby, but you, forever shall be Nadia Anne Hamilton.

I found out about your tests after having a rather emotional appointment with your Aunt Johnna.  The tests from last week show that the cancer is back and not just in her lungs.  She has to go into the hospital tomorrow for a chest tube for the plural effusion.  It was not a good day in regards to news from doctors for us today...

I had braced myself for not getting answers from the chromosonal testing.  But I didn't expect they would not even been able to try.  And it didn't occur to me that they wouldn't be able to tell me 100% that my little girl is my little girl.  I miss you so much, little one.  So much my heart literally aches... I can't handle the hurt right now.  I have to focus on Aunt Johnna.  I hope you understand.  And I hope that I can stay sane through all this. 

I love you to the moon and back again,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm struggling today with a lot of things...

1.  My cousin had her baby.  I'm SO happy for her, but everytime I see a new picture or update my heart aches so badly.  I really want to hold and dress and feed and love on my little one...

2.  Pregnant friends are finding out genders and posting about how difficult or non-difficult pregnanies are, and my heart aches every time.

3.  With Johnna's cancer back, it gives me something else to focus on.  And I'm conflicted about that, because in a way I see that as a good thing... how much does THAT suck...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hey there Little One

Hey there Little One,

Mommy's missing you a lot today.  I only have a week and a half to get my head back on straight before I have to go to work.  And I've been really trying hard to get there.  But today your Aunt Johnna went into the hospital.  They're afraid that her cancer has had more metastasises in her lungs.  She's in a lot of pain and it makes me so very sad.  And Grandma has spent more time in the hospital than anyone should in the last few weeks, especially when she's not being able to do much to help.  And she's probably going to lose her new job because of all this.

If  you could mention to God up there that I'm humbled He has such faith in what I, and the rest of our family, can handle. I'd appreciate it.  But really, I most need Him to know that we all still need Aunt Johnna down here still.  That would be amazing.

I love you angel baby and I can't wait to hold you once again.  Know I will always hold you in my heart.



Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I realize that I haven't really spoken about the meaning of this blog's name.  It's actually a combination of the two names we have picked out for the baby.  Since we don't have a name until the chromosonal testing confirms that she's a girl, we had both a girl name and a boy named picked out.  Neither is the name we had picked out for the baby as both of those names have significant familial meaning and we didn't want to use those names and have them forever connected to our dead baby.  So we picked out some names that had meaning for the situation we were going through. 

Nadia Anne:  Nadia has always been in my list of names for girls I like.  Nadia means "hope".  Anne is a family name.
Dominic Davis:  Dominic means "belongs to God" and as we knew that from the very moment our child entered the world s/he would belong to God it was perfect.  Davis is a family name.

Thus the name of this blog.  Whether it's a boy or girl, the fact of the matter is s/he was a hope for us and s/he now belongs to God.  Whether I want that or not, whether I except that every moment of every day or not...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hard to Get

It should come to no surpise to anyone who knows me that I struggle a lot with God and He gets a LOT of my anger.  But I know He can handle it...

A fellow BLM, Leslie, posted some very comforting scriptures on her blog and I found that reassuring today.  I haven't had the energy (or the lack of being angry) to pick up my own bible yet since all of this has happened.

And another thing that helps keep me going:

Hard to Get (Rich Mullens)

You who live in heaven
Hear the prayers of those of us who live on earth
Who are afraid of being left by those we love
And who get hardened by the hurt
Do you remember when You lived down here where we all scrape
To find the faith to ask for daily bread
Did You forget about us after You had flown away
Well I memorized every word You said
Still I'm so scared, I'm holding my breath
While You're up there just playing hard to get
You who live in radiance
Hear the prayers of those of us who live in skin
We have a love that's not as patient as Yours was
Still we do love now and then
Did You ever know loneliness
Did You ever know need
Do You remember just how long a night can get?
When You were barely holding on
And Your friends fall asleep
And don't see the blood that's running in Your sweat
Will those who mourn be left uncomforted
While You're up there just playing hard to get?
And I know you bore our sorrows
And I know you feel our pain
And I know it would not hurt any less
Even if it could be explained
And I know that I am only lashing out
At the One who loves me most
And after I figured this, somehow
All I really need to know
Is if You who live in eternity
Hear the prayers of those of us who live in time
We can't see what's ahead
And we can not get free of what we've left behind
I'm reeling from these voices that keep screaming in my ears
All the words of shame and doubt, blame and regret
I can't see how You're leading me unless You've led me here
Where I'm lost enough to let myself be led
And so You've been here all along I guess
It's just Your ways and You are just plain hard to get

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rough day today

Ben Folds has a new album out... I love Ben Folds.  We took a drive in the country yesterday to listen to it.  We had heard a couple of the songs introduced last year at a concert we went to.  Nick Hornby has written the lyrics for this album, and, while I don't know Hornby's writing very well, I'm not very impressed with the lyrics.  Some of the songs are funny and sarcastic Ben Folds.  But the prettiest one musically is one I absolutely hate because of the lyrics.  Picture Window is such a depressing song that I can't stand to let Donn play it.

But today in the car on the way back from the doctor's office, I started thinking, maybe in some cases the lyrics are right?  Maybe, in some cases, hope really is a bastard, a liar, a cheat and a tease...

We went for our first followup today.  Pathology from the D and C revealed what we already knew:  just left over birth product.  Pathology from the autopsy showed no visable abnormalities with the baby.  Doctor noted visibly a girl, but not declaring that until chromosonal testing comes back.  And I'm praying the chromonsonal testing shows that something was wrong with baby.  How wrong is that?  Because the only other thing noted in the autoposy pathology is that the placenta did not show the same gestational age as the baby... that the placenta wasn't sufficient enough, wasn't getting the baby enough blood... an it's most probable that this was a result of my uteran malformation... My broken body may have actually killed my babies.  I'm not sure I can handle that..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The God of All Comfort

I still haven't made it a day without crying.  But I've also started noticing laughter in my life again.  And I'm taking that as a step in the right direction.

I was talking with my mother tonight about how I best handle grief, sadness or other trouble.  We both agreed that writing is theraputic for me, but unlike others, like her, who can simply journal for themselves, I've always needed to write for an audience.  Thus a blog is a perfect way for me to write to find comfort and peace.

Another thing we discussed is that I'm probably this way because I find most comfort and peace when my struggles can help others through their struggles.  And while I'm definitely not anywhere close to feeling like I can help anyone but myself at the moment, I found this verse very comforting tonight. 
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 (New International Version)
 3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 5For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.

I'm struggling very hard with not placing blame or anger on God.  I still struggle with a God who created me so brokenly.  I struggle with guilt that my selfishness in wanting to be a mommy so badly is killing these babies who just can't survive in my broken body.  I'm trying hard to reconcile this longing that I have so deeply in my soul to carry a little one of my own with what my body is actually capable of, even though doctors can't tell me for certain whether I'm just a little broken or a lot broken or broken beyond repair.   I've felt so far from God lately, even before the loss of Angel Baby and little Nadia/Dominic (seriously SOOO ready to know if my LO was a boy or girl!!!!!!!), really I guess since my twin's cancer showed up.  And that doesn't make it any easier to deal with these feelings of blame and anger.  But I find hope in the fact that I know in my innermost being (in the place where I find my purpose, my reason for being and my identity, not that place where I am a crazy mess) that He is my strength, my protector, my comforter, and my healer, not the reason for my sadness.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Blog Roll

I don't know how you happened upon my blog.  Whether you follow me on my normal blog or if you were doing a search or if you, too, are struggling with loosing a child to miscarriage, still birth or early infant loss.  But I highly recommend the blogs in my blog roll if you in the last category (or in the first and want to more fully understand where I am).  It is so reassuring to know there are others out there who understand these emotions going through me that make me feel like I'm completely insane and unhinged and everyone of their stories has touched me.

I will praise the One who's chosen me to carry you

It drives me nuts that I still don’t have the pictures of my little one from the hospital.  It also drives me nuts that I don’t know whether s/he is little Nadia or Dominic.  I’m also feeling badly that angel baby doesn’t have a name like her little sister or brother does.  But it just didn’t seem logical or productive to give a baby we lost at 10 weeks a name.  It wasn’t anything like this loss.  I didn’t have to give birth to the bean, they just put me to sleep and took it.  This time I had contractions; my water broke; I had to push her out of me; they took footprints of her and dressed her in a little outfit and swaddled her so sweethly.  I saw her face, and her little hands and feet and long legs and arms and held her close and sung her lullabies as I tried to figure out what happened, why her heart would simply stop.

And I am SOO upset that I was so sick afterwards.  That I was so out of it when I got to hold her, that she was taken away too soon because they were worried about loosing me.  That I won’t ever get to hold her or see her again.  And I’m so angry about that.

I’m not sure Donnie knows what to do with me.  He is of course grieving differently than I am.  He hadn’t yet gotten to feel her push against my belly.  He had just begun to join me in talking to her about all the plans we had for her, for us, for our family.  He wants so badly to help me, but I can’t tell him how to.  I don’t even know myself.

I’m so scared of everything right now.  I”m scared that I’m going to loose my mother or my sister or someone else close to me.  I’m afraid I’m never going to be a mother, that I’m never going to feel safe or normal again.  In short, I am completely freaking out.  And I don’t know how to stop…


There were photographs i wanted to take
Things i wanted to show you
Sing sweet lullabies wipe your teary eyes
Who could love you like this?

People say that i am brave but i`m not
Truth is i`m barely hanging on
But there`s a greater story
Written long before me
Because He loves you like this

So i will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All my life
And i will praise the one who`s chosen me
To carry you

Such a short time
Such a long road
All this madness
But i know
That the silence
Has brought me to his voice
And he says

I`ve shown her photographs of time beginning
Walked her through the parted seas
Angel lullabies no more teary eyes
Who could love her like this?

I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All your life
And i will praise the one who`s chosen me
To carry you


Baby Hamilton (Nadia Anne or Dominic Davis) was born directly into God’s arms at 1:07 am on Sept 27, 2010. We don’t know the gender for sure until the autopsy comes back but s/he was almost 6 oz, 7.5 inches with perfect little fingers and toes. S/he would have had long arms and legs just like daddy. While we are sad s/he will not get to be with us we are finding Peace and Joy that our baby is Home in the arms of God.

Thank you for this, Bethany.

Every life is cherished
The earth will never be the same again.
Rock, water, tree, iron, share this grief
As distant stars participate in pain.
A candle snuffed, a falling star or leaf,
A dolphin death, O this particular loss
Is Heaven-mourned; for if no angel cried,
If this small one was tossed away as dross,
The very galaxies then would have lied.
How shall we sing our love’s song now
In this strange land where all are born to die?
Each tree and leaf and star show how
The universe is part of this one cry,
That every life is noted and is cherished,
And nothing loved is ever lost or perished.

Madeleine L’Engle

Some Old Posts as catch up

These posts come from some other blogs of mine.  I have a primary blog (located in the links section) that have posts concerning my journey through motherhood that I have decided to import into this blog as help in telling the back story of why this blog exists.

Posted December 3, 2009:
Here We Go… (I hope you hear Mario at this point)
Well, I had a positive pregnancy test last night (and another one this morning that I did just for good measure).  I used one of those digital ones that actually say “not pregnant” or “pregnant” and it said “pregnant both times.  I was pretty sure with the first one, but I’m 99% sure now.  I already had an appointment scheduled with my general practitioner tomorrow, so I’ll have him confirm.  I have an ultrasound and appointment scheduled with my ob/gyn on the morning of December 16th as well.

Donnie thought that was awfully early for an ultrasound, however I’ll be “high risk” throughout the pregnancy because of my bicornuate uterus. (updated:  after a surgery in April 2010 it was discovered that I actually have a uterus didelphys, or a full double uterus)  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared OUT OF MY MIND!  I’ve been feeling very crampy already and totally emotional.  I’m trying very hard not to get attached at this point because I went into this trying to conceive part of the process knowing the risks.  But I didn’t realize it would be totally different when the time actually came…

Posted January 26, 2010
Today was a sad day
We just did a d&c.  The baby apparently stopped developing and the heartbeat stopped between 8 and 9 weeks.  I’m better than I thought I would be :)   All things for a reason.  We’ll try again.  They don’t think it really had anything to do with the bicornuate, but more just to do with some chromosonal abnormality at conception.  So it will be okay.

Posted January 31, 2010
I Believe, But…
Oh what I’d give for a hundred years!
But the physical interferes
Every day more–O my Creator!
What is the good of the strongest heart
In a body that’s falling apart?
A serious flaw–I hope You know that
-Eva “Waltz for Eva and Che”- Evita, Andrew Lloyd Webber

Sometimes I wish I weren’t a thinking, rational human being.  Sometimes I wish I could just happily and simply take everthing told to me on faith as truth and not have to struggle with them or over analyze them or face the disappointment of questions unanswered.

Thankfully, that’s only sometimes.  Most of the time I realize that that line of thinking will just get me in trouble because there are too many bad influences and bad people out there just to simply trust everything.  So generally I’m glad to be able to think for myself.

But it doesn’t lessen my frustrations with questions.

My current struggle is God’s presence or culpabilty in bad situations.  I thought I was pretty good with the whole idea that God is good, so God is never the cause of bad things but He does allow consequences which means that sometimes bad things happen and He’s there to help us find the good in the bad situations.  I was just getting to the point where I was okay with that and trusting that again.

So why the heck and hades do things happen that would bring me back down from that place again?  I’m so frustrated.  I’m okay with faith being purified in fire, I’m just not sure I have the strength for it at the moment.  I know some will say all this is simply a consequence of doing things out of God’s time and God’s order, but I’m not really questioning the loss of my little one.  I”m absolutely heartbroken and it’s going to take time to get over and move on.  But I know I’ll be able to do that.

I question where things go from here.  I question a God that’s all good and all powerful could mess me up so badly.   I hurt so badly because just when I think I’m getitng back to a place where I feel I can trust God again, that trust appears to be broken again…Because timing and order doesn’t change the fact that I’m seriously flawed, and I didn’t make any choices or decisions to become that way.  I was MADE that way.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Psalm 139:13 NLT

For years I believed that my sexual shortcomings , both emotional and physical, had to do with the abuse I suffered at the hands of male family members when I was younger.  And it hurt so bad getting over that and moving on.  And I know I haven’t don’t that fully, or even close to fully, but I have forgiven and worked on moving forward.

Years ago I also found out that that my body was physical imperfect as well as emotionally imperfect.  And this week I found out it’s even more messed up than we realized, to the point of being practically unfunctional.

How does that work?  I know I’m not the only one like this.  I know there are parents out there who have special needs children and adults out there who have hearts that aren’t right and kidneys that need machines to work and so forth.  And I know that some of these things are caused by others actions, such as mother’s drug use during pregnancy, etc.  But I know other things are uncontrolable, such as with my condition.  Simply chromosomes that are messed up at the point of conception, at the point of being “knit together.”  How can God NOT have a part in that if it’s true that He’s the one doing the building and creating?  If He’s the master architect or the primary potter who else is to blame when there are design flaws?  How is it possible to reconcile a diety of pure goodness who creates such flawed creatures?

Because, let me tell you, it’s hard for me to keep towing the party line, to keep repeating the “God is in control” mantra… to trust that his plan really is the best… because I really can’t figure out how my flawed body is “best” for anyone…

that “blind faith” part of me is seriously flawed as well…

Jesus, I do know there is a reason.  I do know you are in control.  I do know that you are big enough even when I am fallen down so small.  “I believe; but help my unbelief”

Posted February 6, 2010
It’s in the water
So many people I know are currently pregnant or just had a baby.  SO. Many.

When you understand that 18%-25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, I guess it’s understandable that not all of them would make it… and I guess since my risk was higher anyway, I’m glad it was me, who was a bit more prepared with the statistics, than someone else.  Most women don’t know that the risk of miscarriage is so high… not generally in all the “congratualations” and paperwork, you know?

Some days I laugh and find joy in seeing babies (because I see them everywhere, even more than the past two months and I’ve been pretty obsessed as is)… Most days though, they make me burst into tears.  (note to ob/gyn offices… you shouldn’t leave a woman who just miscarried sitting in a wating room with happily pregnant women and babies all over for very long… might make them start hyperventaling… or maybe just me).

I hope I can find the joy more often than not soon.  I haven’t seen Ciera or Talor since this all started.  And I want to be joyful when my girlfriends have their babes in the next couple of months.   I’m working on it.
I am having more good moments than bad recently, which I find hopeful.  I’m still having problems understanding why the bean got to have that little heartbeat for just the few weeks though.  Why give it a heartbeat at all?  Why not just let it have been when the first miscarriage scare came around instead of getting my hopes up all over again?  I just don’t understand.

In other news, today is my dad’s 50th birthday.  I’m getting old.

Posted February 19, 2010
Discouraging news today
I had a follow up appointment today and found out that they’re going to send me to a specialist because my doctor feels that we’ll go through several more miscarriages before we’re successful, and that’s if we’ll EVER be successful.  She feels we were lucky to have lost this one so early since I have a much higher risk of loosing around 18-24 weeks :(   I feel quite discouraged today.  She brought up adoption, which Donn and I have talked about before, but it’s just not the same and not something I’m feeling very receptive to today.

We’ll see what the specialist says.  My doctor has one patient (out of her several with this condition) who has been able to carry full-term.  A fertility specialist removed one of the uteruses, though my doctor’s not sure how much that helped.  It doesn’  always.

Praying hard today.