Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3 months

Hey Baby Girl,

I can't believe another month has passed since you left us.  I'm sorry I haven't written more often, but holidays were crazy especially with Aunt Johnna being in the hospital most of December.  But I think about you still every day, it just hurts a bit less, and for that I'm grateful.  We're going to be doing your memorial service and burial on January 28th if all goes well.  And hopefully Daddy and I will be able to get away for the weekend that we would have been bringing you home to be with us.  So many of mommy's friends are having babies and I'm so glad for them.  I just wish you would have been around to know them and grow up with them.

I hope you had fun up there celebrating Jesus' birthday with Him.  We were celebrating down here too, and missing you very much.  I can't wait for us all to be together again.  O Glorious Day.

Love you to the moon....
